Walk around the corridors of the healthcare system along with an insight into what overall wellness enraptures. Breathe in and join us, in this journey of awareness and self exploration.
Delve into the relationship between physical and mental health and the impact they have on one another.
Peek into the role nutrition gets to play to live a healthy lifestyle.
Traverse the path of our ancestors and discover the role of traditional knowledge in terms of health.
Welcome to the Lesson!
What does it really mean to be safe and healthy?
Safe cities maketh a healthy man!
Collaboration but...how?
When it rains, it pours - Revelations from the pandemic
Reflect & Discuss
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What are we talking about?
Think about it!
Understanding the single-payer healthcare system
Understanding the Multi-payer healthcare system
Curious Case of Indian Healthcare system
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What's your physical lifestyle like?
A guide to a city goer's physical well-being
Sleep - your time machine to breakfast
What about accidental or intentional harm?
How ready are you?
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The What & The Why
Measuring social health in cities
Improving Social health
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Sexual & Reproductive Health - I
Sexual & Reproductive Health - II
Menstrual Health - I
Menstrual Health - II
Check yourself!
Women’s Safety - I
Women's Safety - II
Check yourself!
How safe is your city?
Reflect & Discuss
Welcome to the Lesson!
Are our schools healthy and safe?
Ask Yourself
Is YOUR school a safe-space - physically?
Is YOUR school a safe-space - mentally?
Is YOUR school a safe-space - socially?
Plan a virtual mixer!
Reflect & Discuss
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Best way Possible
Knowledge through Generations
Gone Global
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The Infection Scare
The Immediate Effect
The Impact
The Implementation
Solution Spotlight
Optional Reading
Tell us more!
Welcome to the lesson
Health for all
The Promise of a better life.
What’s Under the Rug?
How can you help?
Spotlight Solution
Politics and Mental health
Reflect and Discuss
Welcome to the Lesson!
Let's paint a picture, shall we?
Understanding the Common Heritage of Mankind & Public Trust Doctrine principles
Understanding the Precautionary Principle & Environmental Impact Assessments
Understanding the Polluter Pays Principle
Why and how is all this relevant to you?
Letter today...Public Interest Litigation tomorrow?